Source code for

import functools
import logging

from flask import (
from flask_appbuilder._compat import as_unicode
from flask_appbuilder.const import (
from flask_jwt_extended import verify_jwt_in_request
from flask_login import current_user

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def response_unauthorized_mvc(status_code: int) -> Response:
    response = make_response(
        jsonify({"message": str(FLAMSG_ERR_SEC_ACCESS_DENIED), "severity": "danger"}),
    response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
    return response

[docs]def protect(allow_browser_login=False): """ Use this decorator to enable granular security permissions to your API methods (BaseApi and child classes). Permissions will be associated to a role, and roles are associated to users. allow_browser_login will accept signed cookies obtained from the normal MVC app:: class MyApi(BaseApi): @expose('/dosonmething', methods=['GET']) @protect(allow_browser_login=True) @safe def do_something(self): .... @expose('/dosonmethingelse', methods=['GET']) @protect() @safe def do_something_else(self): .... By default the permission's name is the methods name. """ def _protect(f): if hasattr(f, "_permission_name"): permission_str = f._permission_name else: permission_str = f.__name__ def wraps(self, *args, **kwargs): # Apply method permission name override if exists permission_str = f"{PERMISSION_PREFIX}{f._permission_name}" if self.method_permission_name: _permission_name = self.method_permission_name.get(f.__name__) if _permission_name: permission_str = f"{PERMISSION_PREFIX}{_permission_name}" class_permission_name = self.class_permission_name # Check if permission is allowed on the class if permission_str not in self.base_permissions: return self.response_403() # Check if the resource is public if permission_str, class_permission_name ): return f(self, *args, **kwargs) # if no browser login then verify JWT if not (self.allow_browser_login or allow_browser_login): verify_jwt_in_request() # Verify resource access if permission_str, class_permission_name ): return f(self, *args, **kwargs) # If browser login? elif self.allow_browser_login or allow_browser_login: # no session cookie (but we allow it), then try JWT if not current_user.is_authenticated: verify_jwt_in_request() if permission_str, class_permission_name ): return f(self, *args, **kwargs) log.warning( LOGMSG_ERR_SEC_ACCESS_DENIED.format( permission_str, class_permission_name ) ) return self.response_403() f._permission_name = permission_str return functools.update_wrapper(wraps, f) return _protect
[docs]def has_access(f): """ Use this decorator to enable granular security permissions to your methods. Permissions will be associated to a role, and roles are associated to users. By default the permission's name is the methods name. """ if hasattr(f, "_permission_name"): permission_str = f._permission_name else: permission_str = f.__name__ def wraps(self, *args, **kwargs): permission_str = f"{PERMISSION_PREFIX}{f._permission_name}" if self.method_permission_name: _permission_name = self.method_permission_name.get(f.__name__) if _permission_name: permission_str = f"{PERMISSION_PREFIX}{_permission_name}" if permission_str in self.base_permissions and permission_str, self.class_permission_name ): return f(self, *args, **kwargs) else: log.warning( LOGMSG_ERR_SEC_ACCESS_DENIED.format( permission_str, self.__class__.__name__ ) ) flash(as_unicode(FLAMSG_ERR_SEC_ACCESS_DENIED), "danger") return redirect( url_for( + ".login", next=request.url, ) ) f._permission_name = permission_str return functools.update_wrapper(wraps, f)
def has_access_api(f): """ Use this decorator to enable granular security permissions to your API methods. Permissions will be associated to a role, and roles are associated to users. By default the permission's name is the methods name. this will return a message and HTTP 403 is case of unauthorized access. """ if hasattr(f, "_permission_name"): permission_str = f._permission_name else: permission_str = f.__name__ def wraps(self, *args, **kwargs): permission_str = f"{PERMISSION_PREFIX}{f._permission_name}" if self.method_permission_name: _permission_name = self.method_permission_name.get(f.__name__) if _permission_name: permission_str = f"{PERMISSION_PREFIX}{_permission_name}" if permission_str in self.base_permissions and permission_str, self.class_permission_name ): return f(self, *args, **kwargs) else: log.warning( LOGMSG_ERR_SEC_ACCESS_DENIED.format( permission_str, self.__class__.__name__ ) ) if not current_user.is_authenticated: return response_unauthorized_mvc(401) return response_unauthorized_mvc(403) f._permission_name = permission_str return functools.update_wrapper(wraps, f)
[docs]def permission_name(name): """ Use this decorator to override the name of the permission. has_access will use the methods name has the permission name if you want to override this add this decorator to your methods. This is useful if you want to aggregate methods to permissions It will add '_permission_name' attribute to your method that will be inspected by BaseView to collect your view's permissions. Note that you should use @has_access to execute after @permission_name like on the following example. Use it like this to aggregate permissions for your methods:: class MyModelView(ModelView): datamodel = SQLAInterface(MyModel) @has_access @permission_name('GeneralXPTO_Permission') @expose(url='/xpto') def xpto(self): return "Your on xpto" @has_access @permission_name('GeneralXPTO_Permission') @expose(url='/xpto2') def xpto2(self): return "Your on xpto2" :param name: The name of the permission to override """ def wraps(f): f._permission_name = name return f return wraps