Source code for flask_appbuilder.base

from functools import reduce
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

from flask import Blueprint, current_app, Flask, url_for
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session as SessionBase

from . import __version__
from .api.manager import OpenApiManager
from .babel.manager import BabelManager
from .const import (
from .filters import TemplateFilters
from .menu import Menu, MenuApiManager
from .views import IndexView, UtilView

    from flask_appbuilder.basemanager import BaseManager
    from flask_appbuilder.baseviews import BaseView, AbstractViewApi
    from import BaseSecurityManager

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DynamicImportType = Union[

def dynamic_class_import(class_path: str) -> Optional[DynamicImportType]:
    Will dynamically import a class from a string path
    :param class_path: string with class path
    :return: class
    # Split first occurrence of path
        tmp = class_path.split(".")
        module_path = ".".join(tmp[0:-1])
        package = __import__(module_path)
        return reduce(getattr, tmp[1:], package)
    except Exception as e:
        log.error(LOGMSG_ERR_FAB_ADDON_IMPORT.format(class_path, e))
        return None

[docs]class AppBuilder: """ This is the base class for all the framework. This is where you will register all your views and create the menu structure. Will hold your flask app object, all your views, and security classes. initialize your application like this for SQLAlchemy:: from flask import Flask from flask_appbuilder import SQLA, AppBuilder app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config') db = SQLA(app) appbuilder = AppBuilder(app, db.session) When using MongoEngine:: from flask import Flask from flask_appbuilder import AppBuilder from import SecurityManager from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngine app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config') dbmongo = MongoEngine(app) appbuilder = AppBuilder(app, security_manager_class=SecurityManager) You can also create everything as an application factory. """ security_manager_class = None template_filters = None
[docs] def __init__( self, app: Optional[Flask] = None, session: Optional[SessionBase] = None, menu: Optional[Menu] = None, indexview: Optional[Type["AbstractViewApi"]] = None, base_template: str = "appbuilder/baselayout.html", static_folder: str = "static/appbuilder", static_url_path: str = "/appbuilder", security_manager_class: Optional[Type["BaseSecurityManager"]] = None, update_perms: bool = True, ) -> None: """ AppBuilder init :param app: The flask app object :param session: The SQLAlchemy session object :param menu: optional, a previous contructed menu :param indexview: optional, your customized indexview :param static_folder: optional, your override for the global static folder :param static_url_path: optional, your override for the global static url path :param security_manager_class: optional, pass your own security manager class :param update_perms: optional, update permissions flag (Boolean) you can use FAB_UPDATE_PERMS config key also """ self.baseviews: List[Union[Type["AbstractViewApi"], "AbstractViewApi"]] = [] # temporary list that hold addon_managers config key self._addon_managers: List[str] = [] # dict with addon name has key and instantiated class has value self.addon_managers: Dict[str, Any] = {} = menu self.base_template = base_template self.security_manager_class = security_manager_class self.indexview = indexview self.static_folder = static_folder self.static_url_path = static_url_path = app self.update_perms = update_perms # Security Manager Class BaseSecurityManager = None # type: ignore # Babel Manager Class BabelManager = None # type: ignore self.openapi_manager: OpenApiManager = None # type: ignore self.menuapi_manager: MenuApiManager = None # type: ignore if app is not None: self.init_app(app, session)
[docs] def init_app(self, app: Flask, session: SessionBase) -> None: """ Will initialize the Flask app, supporting the app factory pattern. :param app: :param session: The SQLAlchemy session """ app.config.setdefault("APP_NAME", "F.A.B.") app.config.setdefault("APP_THEME", "") app.config.setdefault("APP_ICON", "") app.config.setdefault("LANGUAGES", {"en": {"flag": "gb", "name": "English"}}) app.config.setdefault("ADDON_MANAGERS", []) app.config.setdefault("FAB_API_MAX_PAGE_SIZE", 100) app.config.setdefault("FAB_BASE_TEMPLATE", self.base_template) app.config.setdefault("FAB_STATIC_FOLDER", self.static_folder) app.config.setdefault("FAB_STATIC_URL_PATH", self.static_url_path) = app self.base_template = app.config.get("FAB_BASE_TEMPLATE", self.base_template) self.static_folder = app.config.get("FAB_STATIC_FOLDER", self.static_folder) self.static_url_path = app.config.get( "FAB_STATIC_URL_PATH", self.static_url_path ) _index_view = app.config.get("FAB_INDEX_VIEW", None) if _index_view: self.indexview = dynamic_class_import(_index_view) # type: ignore else: self.indexview = self.indexview or IndexView _menu = app.config.get("FAB_MENU", None) # Setup Menu if _menu is not None: menu = dynamic_class_import(_menu) if menu is not None and issubclass(menu, Menu): = menu() else: = or Menu() if self.update_perms: # default is True, if False takes precedence from config self.update_perms = app.config.get("FAB_UPDATE_PERMS", True) _security_manager_class_name = app.config.get( "FAB_SECURITY_MANAGER_CLASS", None ) if _security_manager_class_name is not None: security_manager_class = dynamic_class_import(_security_manager_class_name) self.security_manager_class = cast( Type["BaseSecurityManager"], security_manager_class ) if self.security_manager_class is None: from import SecurityManager self.security_manager_class = SecurityManager self._addon_managers = app.config["ADDON_MANAGERS"] self.session = session = self.security_manager_class(self) = BabelManager(self) self.openapi_manager = OpenApiManager(self) self.menuapi_manager = MenuApiManager(self) self._add_global_static() self._add_global_filters() app.before_request( self._add_admin_views() self._add_addon_views() if self._add_menu_permissions() else: self.post_init() self._init_extension(app)
def _init_extension(self, app: Flask) -> None: app.appbuilder = self if not hasattr(app, "extensions"): app.extensions = {} app.extensions["appbuilder"] = self def post_init(self) -> None: for baseview in self.baseviews: # instantiate the views and add session baseview = self._check_and_init(baseview) # Register the views has blueprints if baseview.__class__.__name__ not in self.get_app.blueprints.keys(): self.register_blueprint(baseview) # Add missing permissions where needed self.add_permissions() @property def get_app(self) -> Flask: """ Get current or configured flask app :return: Flask App """ if return else: return current_app @property def get_session(self) -> SessionBase: """ Get the current sqlalchemy session. :return: SQLAlchemy Session """ return self.session @property def app_name(self) -> str: """ Get the App name :return: String with app name """ return self.get_app.config["APP_NAME"] @property def app_theme(self) -> str: """ Get the App theme name :return: String app theme name """ return self.get_app.config["APP_THEME"] @property def app_icon(self) -> str: """ Get the App icon location :return: String with relative app icon location """ return self.get_app.config["APP_ICON"] @property def languages(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self.get_app.config["LANGUAGES"] @property def version(self) -> str: """ Get the current F.A.B. version :return: String with the current F.A.B. version """ return __version__ def _add_global_filters(self) -> None: self.template_filters = TemplateFilters(self.get_app, def _add_global_static(self) -> None: bp = Blueprint( "appbuilder", __name__, url_prefix="/static", template_folder="templates", static_folder=self.static_folder, static_url_path=self.static_url_path, ) self.get_app.register_blueprint(bp) def _add_admin_views(self) -> None: """ Registers indexview, utilview (back function), babel views and Security views. """ if self.indexview: self._indexview = self.add_view_no_menu(self.indexview) self.add_view_no_menu(UtilView) self.openapi_manager.register_views() self.menuapi_manager.register_views() def _add_addon_views(self) -> None: """ Registers declared addon's """ for addon in self._addon_managers: addon_class_ = dynamic_class_import(addon) addon_class = cast(Type["BaseManager"], addon_class_) if addon_class: # Instantiate manager with appbuilder (self) inst_addon_class: "BaseManager" = addon_class(self) try: inst_addon_class.pre_process() inst_addon_class.register_views() inst_addon_class.post_process() self.addon_managers[addon] = inst_addon_class except Exception as e: log.exception(e) log.error(LOGMSG_ERR_FAB_ADDON_PROCESS.format(addon, e)) def _check_and_init( self, baseview: Union[Type["AbstractViewApi"], "AbstractViewApi"] ) -> "AbstractViewApi": # If class if not instantiated, instantiate it # and add db session from security models. if hasattr(baseview, "datamodel"): if getattr(baseview, "datamodel").session is None: getattr(baseview, "datamodel").session = self.session if isinstance(baseview, type): baseview = baseview() return baseview
[docs] def add_view( self, baseview: Union[Type["AbstractViewApi"], "AbstractViewApi"], name: str, href: str = "", icon: str = "", label: str = "", category: str = "", category_icon: str = "", category_label: str = "", menu_cond: Optional[Callable[..., bool]] = None, ) -> "AbstractViewApi": """ Add your views associated with menus using this method. :param baseview: A BaseView type class instantiated or not. This method will instantiate the class for you if needed. :param name: The string name that identifies the menu. :param href: Override the generated href for the menu. You can use an url string or an endpoint name if non provided default_view from view will be set as href. :param icon: Font-Awesome icon name, optional. :param label: The label that will be displayed on the menu, if absent param name will be used :param category: The menu category where the menu will be included, if non provided the view will be acessible as a top menu. :param category_icon: Font-Awesome icon name for the category, optional. :param category_label: The label that will be displayed on the menu, if absent param name will be used :param menu_cond: If a callable, :code:`menu_cond` will be invoked when constructing the menu items. If it returns :code:`True`, then this link will be a part of the menu. Otherwise, it will not be included in the menu items. Defaults to :code:`None`, meaning the item will always be present. Examples:: appbuilder = AppBuilder(app, db) # Register a view, rendering a top menu without icon. appbuilder.add_view(MyModelView(), "My View") # or not instantiated appbuilder.add_view(MyModelView, "My View") # Register a view, a submenu "Other View" from "Other" with a phone icon. appbuilder.add_view( MyOtherModelView, "Other View", icon='fa-phone', category="Others" ) # Register a view, with category icon and translation. appbuilder.add_view( YetOtherModelView, "Other View", icon='fa-phone', label=_('Other View'), category="Others", category_icon='fa-envelop', category_label=_('Other View') ) # Register a view whose menu item will be conditionally displayed appbuilder.add_view( YourFeatureView, "Your Feature", icon='fa-feature', label=_('Your Feature'), menu_cond=lambda: is_feature_enabled("your-feature"), ) # Add a link appbuilder.add_link("google", href="", icon = "fa-google-plus") """ baseview = self._check_and_init(baseview), name)) if not self._view_exists(baseview): baseview.appbuilder = self self.baseviews.append(baseview) self._process_inner_views() if self.register_blueprint(baseview) self._add_permission(baseview) self.add_link( name=name, href=href, icon=icon, label=label, category=category, category_icon=category_icon, category_label=category_label, baseview=baseview, cond=menu_cond, ) return baseview
[docs] def add_separator( self, category: str, cond: Optional[Callable[..., bool]] = None ) -> None: """ Add a separator to the menu, you will sequentially create the menu :param category: The menu category where the separator will be included. :param cond: If a callable, :code:`cond` will be invoked when constructing the menu items. If it returns :code:`True`, then this separator will be a part of the menu. Otherwise, it will not be included in the menu items. Defaults to :code:`None`, meaning the separator will always be present. """ if is None: return, cond=cond)
[docs] def add_view_no_menu( self, baseview: Union[Type["AbstractViewApi"], "AbstractViewApi"], endpoint: Optional[str] = None, static_folder: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "AbstractViewApi": """ Add your views without creating a menu. :param baseview: A BaseView type class instantiated. :param endpoint: The endpoint path for the Flask blueprint :param static_folder: The static folder for the Flask blueprint """ baseview = self._check_and_init(baseview), "")) if not self._view_exists(baseview): baseview.appbuilder = self self.baseviews.append(baseview) self._process_inner_views() if self.register_blueprint( baseview, endpoint=endpoint, static_folder=static_folder ) self._add_permission(baseview) else: log.warning(LOGMSG_WAR_FAB_VIEW_EXISTS.format(baseview.__class__.__name__)) return baseview
[docs] def add_api(self, baseview: Type["AbstractViewApi"]) -> "AbstractViewApi": """ Add a BaseApi class or child to AppBuilder :param baseview: A BaseApi type class :return: The instantiated base view """ return self.add_view_no_menu(baseview)
[docs] def security_cleanup(self) -> None: """ This method is useful if you have changed the name of your menus or classes, changing them will leave behind permissions that are not associated with anything. You can use it always or just sometimes to perform a security cleanup. Warning this will delete any permission that is no longer part of any registered view or menu. Remember invoke ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE REGISTERED ALL VIEWS """,
[docs] def security_converge(self, dry: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ This method is useful when you use: - `class_permission_name` - `previous_class_permission_name` - `method_permission_name` - `previous_method_permission_name` migrates all permissions to the new names on all the Roles :param dry: If True will not change DB :return: Dict with all computed necessary operations """ if is None: return {} return,, dry)
@property def get_url_for_login(self) -> str: if is None: return "" return url_for("%s.%s" % (, "login")) @property def get_url_for_logout(self) -> str: if is None: return "" return url_for("%s.%s" % (, "logout")) @property def get_url_for_index(self) -> str: if self._indexview is None: return "" return url_for( "%s.%s" % (self._indexview.endpoint, self._indexview.default_view) ) @property def get_url_for_userinfo(self) -> str: if is None: return "" return url_for("%s.%s" % (, "userinfo")) def get_url_for_locale(self, lang: str) -> str: if is None: return "" return url_for( "%s.%s" % (,, locale=lang, ) def add_permissions(self, update_perms: bool = False) -> None: from flask_appbuilder.baseviews import AbstractViewApi if self.update_perms or update_perms: for baseview in self.baseviews: baseview = cast(AbstractViewApi, baseview) self._add_permission(baseview, update_perms=update_perms) self._add_menu_permissions(update_perms=update_perms) def _add_permission( self, baseview: "AbstractViewApi", update_perms: bool = False ) -> None: if self.update_perms or update_perms: try: baseview.base_permissions, baseview.class_permission_name ) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) log.error(LOGMSG_ERR_FAB_ADD_PERMISSION_VIEW.format(str(e))) def _add_permissions_menu(self, name: str, update_perms: bool = False) -> None: if self.update_perms or update_perms: try: except Exception as e: log.exception(e) log.error(LOGMSG_ERR_FAB_ADD_PERMISSION_MENU.format(str(e))) def _add_menu_permissions(self, update_perms: bool = False) -> None: if is None: return if self.update_perms or update_perms: for category in self._add_permissions_menu(, update_perms=update_perms) for item in category.childs: # don't add permission for menu separator if != "-": self._add_permissions_menu(, update_perms=update_perms) def register_blueprint( self, baseview: "AbstractViewApi", endpoint: Optional[str] = None, static_folder: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.get_app.register_blueprint( baseview.create_blueprint( self, endpoint=endpoint, static_folder=static_folder ) ) def _view_exists(self, view: "AbstractViewApi") -> bool: for baseview in self.baseviews: if baseview.__class__ == view.__class__: return True return False def _process_inner_views(self) -> None: from flask_appbuilder.baseviews import AbstractViewApi for view in self.baseviews: view = cast(AbstractViewApi, view) for inner_class in view.get_uninit_inner_views(): for v in self.baseviews: if ( isinstance(v, inner_class) and v not in view.get_init_inner_views() ): view.get_init_inner_views().append(v)